estou de volta com mais uma participação para o desafio do blog once upon a sketch.
(i'm back with one more take at once upon a sketch's blog)
o tema do journaling: noite de ano novo
e esse lindo sketch...
(journaling theme: new year's eve)
(and this beautiful sketch...)
pulei de cabeça nas tintas e nos papéis rasgados e aqui está o resultado...
(this time i had a ball playing with paints and teared papers and here it is the result...)

obrigada pela visita e pelos recados deixados aqui!
follow my blog with bloglovin
11 comentários:
Lindo, lindo, lindo.....bjssss
WOW, how many gorgeous details here! Love our background!
Thank you so much for playing along at OUAS!
this is so creative!
beautiful page!
Thank you for playing along with us at OUAS!
This one pops out of the gallery! Beautiful bold colors and gorgeous background! Thanks for playing at OUAS!
WOW WOW WOW....I love the misting and all the details....fabulous....
Thanks so much for playing with Once Upon A....Sketch
love it ! You have used a lot of different colors and it look amazing!
Thank you for playing along with us at OUAS!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those colors, what an awesome page! Thank you so much for playing along with us and our challenge at OUAS!
Julia adorei sua página , ficou um encanto..cada detalhe esta perfeito!!!
Parabéns e obrigada por suas visitas,você como sempre gentil demais!!!!!!
Um maravilhoso fim de semana.
Com carinho
Wow! Love what you've done here! Fabulous! Tks. for playing along with us at OUAS!
I just love all the paint. So artsy.. Thanks for playing along with us at OUAS
What a fun and beautiful page!!! I love it! Thanks for playing along with us at OUAS! :)
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